Monday, April 7, 2008

Helping Dr Hearty!

Post your ideas, opinions, comments, etc. on the creation of an artificial heart here!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Post Your Reflections Here!

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Heart Disease Slideshow

Heart Disease

From: Severus, 7 months ago

Heart Disease

SlideShare Link

The Cardiovascular System Slideshow

Cardiovascular & Hematologic System

From: nclexvideos, 4 months ago

Cardiovascular & Hematologic System

SlideShare Link

The Circulatory System Slideshow

Unit 2 The Circulatory System

From: scienceinteractive, 1 year ago

Visit GCSE PowerPoint slides and many other science lessons are available on a multimedia CD-ROM.Visit
for details of purchase.
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SlideShare Link

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Transport In Humans

Target Students:
Secondary 3/4 (Express).

Researchers-in-the-making, your help is urgently required!

Your Task:

Read through the article (hyperlinked to the screenshot shown above) carefully. Can you suggest a few healthcare measures that South Asians should take in order to reduce the risk of occurrence of coronary heart disease? In groups of 4, you are to research on the relevant information and present as well as submit your findings on Powerpoint slides or a poster and an information booklet. Include in your account any proof/disproof for any claims/superstitions made with respect to preventing and/or managing this disease. Your information booklet should also include a checklist to prove that all the learning objectives stated below have been fulfilled, the answers to the following questions on the necessary background knowledge that you will require on the human cardiovascular system as well as a report of evaluation on your team members' contribution to the project (using the hard-copy of Template 2 that has been distributed to you). All project portfolios will be graded and constitute 30% of your total CA marks.

What You Must Submit Today: Your project-planner (using the hard-copy of Template 1 that has been distributed to you).

Dateline for submission of the entire project: 3 weeks from now.

Previously-learnt concepts that you should recall and apply for this topic:

1. the organization of cells into tissues, tissue into organs and organs into systems.
2. the synthesis of complex biological molecules from simpler substances.
3.diffusion, osmosis and active transport across the membranes of cells. 4. the need to maintain optimal temperature and pH for enzymes to function with maximum efficiency.

Taking into account that for the three events mentioned above to exist and function normally, substances from the external environment must reach all cells (even those in the deepest regions of the body) and waste substances must be removed from the cells back to the external environment. Hence, the need for an efficient system of transport ie. the cardiovascular system.

At the end of this e-lesson, you should be able to:

  1. state the components and functions of blood.
  2. list the different ABO blood groups and all compatible combinations for the donor and recipient in blood transfusions.
  3. relate the structures of arteries, veins and capillaries to their functions.
  4. describe the transfer of materials between capillaries and tissue fluid.
  5. identify the main blood vessels to and from the heart, lungs, liver and kidney.
  6. describe the structure and function of the heart in terms of muscular contractions and the working of valves.
  7. outline the cardiac cycle in terms of what happens during systole and diastole.
  8. describe coronary heart disease in terms of the occlusion of coronary arteries, list its possible causes and state the preventative measures.

Answer the following questions in your booklet:

Qn 1: Why is a transport system required for complex multicellular organisms?


  1. To enable the rapid delivery of nutrients and oxygen to as well as the removal of metabolic waste products (including carbon dioxide) from all cells of the body for survival.

Website references for "Transport in Unicellular and Multicellular Organisms":

1. or click on the screenshot below.

Qn 2: What does this transport system consist of in mammals?


  1. Heart ("Pump")
  2. Blood and lymphatic vessels ("Tubes")
  3. Blood and lymph ("Medium").

Qn 3: What characteristics of blood enable it to transport substances effectively throughout an organism? Does blood serve any other functions?


  1. Structure and mechanism of action of blood plasma and red blood cells.
  2. Other functions include immunity and clotting.

Website references for "Plasma and Red Blood Cells":

1. or click on the screenshot below.

2. or click on the screenshot below.

3. or click on the screenshot below.

Website references for "Immune System":

1. or click on the screenshot below.


3. or click on the screenshot below.

Website references for "Lymphatics":

1. or click on the screenshot below.

2. or click on the screenshot below.

3. or click on the screenshot below.

Website references for "Tissue Fluid":

1. or click on the screenshot below.

2. or click on the screenshot below.

Qn 4: Since blood is an important entity and can be lost during injuries and diseases, can blood be transferred from one individual to another? And if so, are there any conditions for this transfer to be successful?


  1. Blood group compatibility due to the type of antigens found on the surface of red blood cells and their reactions (if any) with the antibodies in serum.

Website references for "Blood Groups":

1. or click on the screenshot below.

2. or click on the screenshot below.

3. or click on the screenshot below.

Qn 5: What are the different types of blood vessels existent which how do they similar to or differ from one another? (Tabulate your answers).


  1. Compare the structures and thicknesses of the walls of arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules and veins.
  2. Compare the sizes of the lumens of these vessels.

Website references for "Blood Vessels":

1. or click on the screenshot below.

2. or click on the screenshot below.

3. or click on the screenshot below.

Qn 6: Is double-circulation more efficient than single-circulation?


  1. Deoxygenated blood should be transported at a pressure low enough to be well-oxygenated in the lungs whereas oxygenated blood should be pumped at a pressure high enough to reach all cells of the body.
  2. Oxygenated and deoxygenated blood should be kept separate at all times.
  3. Both these aspects are sustained by the pulmonary and systemic circulations.

Website references for "Single and Double Circulations":

1. or click on the screenshot below.

2. or click on the screenshot below.

3. or click on the screenshot below.

Qn 7: What features of the heart enable it to be described as a sophisticated pump?


  1. The heart is compartmentalised to keep oxygenated and deoxygenated blood separate at all times.
  2. The right and left regions of the heart pump blood at appropriate pressures in a synchronised manner (during the systole and diastole stages of the cardiac cycle) so that deoxygenated blood can be reoxygenated while oxygenated blood can be transported to the rest of the body simultaneously

Website references for "Structure of the Heart":

1. or click on the screenshot below.

2. or click on the screenshot below.

3. or click on the screenshot below.

Website references for "Cardiac Cycle and Heart Beat":

1. or click on the screenshot below.

2. or click on the screenshot below.

3. or click on the screenshot below.

Qn 8: What occurs during coronary heart disease?


  1. Coronary arteries can be narrowed and ultimately blocked by a deposition of saturated fats and cholesterol onto their inner walls (artherosclerosis) or the formation and trapping of blood clots (thrombosis).
  2. The risk of this disease occurring can be reduced with balanced diets and a healthy lifestyle.

Website references for "Coronary Artery Disease":

1. or click on the screenshot below.

2. or click on the screenshot below.

3. or click on the screenshot below.

Multimedia Presentations on "Transport in Humans":


2. or click on the screenshot below.

3. (Structure of the Heart, Composition of the Blood, White Blood Cells, Blood Plasma, Transport of Gases) or click on the screenshot below.

In Summary:

Click on the screenshot below and download Cmap. Use this tool to create a concept- or mind-map to summarise the key concepts you have learnt on this topic. Use the title "Transport in Humans" as the focus of your map. Include this map as part of your booklet.


Click on any of the screenshots below and print out your individual scores for one of the following self-tests. The scores of all group members are to be inserted into your booklet as the last few pages.


Your Individual Reflection(s):

Using the forum in the next post, each and everyone of you is expected to post your comments/feedback on the group project. Include points on the teamwork process and your learning experience.

Rubrics for Grading Group Project:

Quality of Information
Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples.
Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides 1-2 supporting details and/or examples.
Information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given.
Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.
Amount of Information
All topics are addressed and all questions answered with at least 2 sentences about each.
All topics are addressed and most questions answered with at least 2 sentences about each.
All topics are addressed, and most questions answered with 1 sentence about each.
One or more topics were not addressed.
Diagrams & Illustrations
Diagrams and illustrations are neat, accurate and add to the reader's understanding of the topic.
Diagrams and illustrations are accurate and add to the reader's understanding of the topic.
Diagrams and illustrations are neat and accurate and sometimes add to the reader's understanding of the topic.
Diagrams and illustrations are not accurate OR do not add to the reader's understanding of the topic.
Graphic Organizer
Graphic organizer or outline has been completed and shows clear, logical relationships between all topics and subtopics.
Graphic organizer or outline has been completed and shows clear, logical relationships between most topics and subtopics.
Graphic organizer or outline has been started and includes some topics and subtopics.
Graphic organizer or outline has not been attempted.
Internet Use
Successfully uses suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.
Usually able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.
Occasionally able to use suggested internet links to find information and navigates within these sites easily without assistance.
Needs assistance or supervision to use suggested internet links and/or to navigate within these sites.
All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented in the desired format.
All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but a few are not in the desired format.
All sources (information and graphics) are accurately documented, but many are not in the desired format.
Some sources are not accurately documented